FundsIndia Knowledge Center

Welcome to the FundsIndia Knowledge Center, our initiative to help users make better decisions when it comes to building wealth.

On this page, we’ve tried to answer most questions new investors would have, and publish articles that simplify investing in mutual funds, equities, other financial products. We have also included research intensive featured articles that are sure to interest even experienced investors. You can also hear the recent episodes of our podcast Talk FundsIndia, where our team discusses personal finance and financial products.


From the pens of the experts


Why you need mutual funds for retirement planning

Dwindling EPF returns means that this option can no longer be your primary retirement solution. To save up enough for retirement, you need to invest in mutual funds.

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What you lose by starting investments late

If you delay investing, you could end up having very little time left and needing unrealistically high savings to reach your goals. This could lead you to take undue risks with your money.

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Let’s have the ‘tax talk’

Worried by a fall in your fund’s returns? Wondering how to judge if your fund is actually ‘good’? Remember to look at the markets, its category and performance history first.

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How to judge a fund’s performance

Worried by a fall in your fund’s returns? Wondering how to judge if your fund is actually ‘good’? Remember to look at the markets, its category and performance history first.

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Past returns and how much to rely on it

Past returns should not be the only criteria used to pick a mutual fund. You need to check its performance too – in the long run, it’s the consistent performers that build wealth for you.

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Why you lose money when you invest

Sometimes when a person loses money in mutual funds, it’s their own fault. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid to make sure you don’t lose money.

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Your time in the market matters

Your time in the market is a critical when it comes to your choice of funds (category allocation), as well as asset allocation.

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Should you choose the dividend option or the growth option?

Growth or dividend, confused what to choose? Your cash flow needs and tax efficiency can help you decide. Here are some simple tips to help you decide.

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Five pieces of bad mutual fund advice to ignore

You may find a lot of advice online, but not all of it is good. Here are five often-heard bad pieces of advice in the mutual fund world that are best ignored by you.

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Five Myths about SIP Investing

There are many misconceived notions on what SIP is all about and how it needs to be used. Here are a few myths about SIP that we would like to demolish.

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Investing 101


What is NAV?

NAV is the per-unit value or per-unit price of a particular mutual fund scheme. The number of units allotted to an investor depends on the fund’s NAV.

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What is benchmark?

A benchmark is the standard against which a mutual fund's performance is measured. It is used as a standard for the fund’s performance, and gives meaning to its returns.

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SIP – The winning recipe to build wealth

SIPs don’t just make it easier to start investing, they also help make it a habit by automating your investments. The best part? You can start as low as Rs. 1,000!

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What is compounding?

Compounding is what helps money work for you. It happens when your investments earn returns, and these returns earn for you, over a period of time.

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What are debt funds?

Debt funds are mutual funds that invest mainly in a combination of debt securities such as Treasury Bills, Government Securities, Corporate Bonds, etc.

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How A Young Investor Can Build A MF Portfolio

Are you looking to start a savings habit for the first time and wish to start investments in mutual funds. This article will tell you all you need to know.

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What are equity funds?

Equity funds are those mutual funds that invest mainly in stocks. There are many different kinds of equity funds and each plays a different role in your portfolio.

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Why tax-saving mutual funds are the best way to save on taxes

While saving on taxes, wouldn’t you want the best returns out of your investments as well? That’s exactly what tax-saving mutual funds help you do.

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How are mutual funds taxed? (Part 1)

If there is one detail regarding investment that everyone pays close attention to, it is taxation. Here’s putting down what you need to know about taxes and your funds.

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Capital gains and indexation

Wondering about the indexation benefit available in debt funds? Read on to know what it is and why it makes debt funds a superior option to traditional products like fixed deposits.

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